Karin Pappenheim Counselling near Cannon Street
Central London

About Therapy and Counselling. Face to Face

About Therapy and Counselling

People come to therapy for lots of different reasons. You might be feeling anxious, depressed, stressed or unhappy, perhaps stuck or lost in life or in your relationships. Under pressure at work, not sure where your life is going? Maybe you feel as if the same patterns seem to keep repeating and causing hurt in your personal life and relationships? Therapy could help.

Many people come to counselling and therapy to try to find out about making changes in their lives. Some come to therapy because of a crisis or specific problem they need to resolve or because of traumatic and painful experiences, such as abuse, bullying or bereavement, relationship break up.

Often people find through therapy that there are link between their past experiences and present difficulties. Therapy can help understand those links and how they might be affecting the way you feel now and your relationships.

“It is an ironic habit of human beings to run faster when they have lost their way.” - Rollo May

About Therapy and Counselling. Karin29

Whatever your own personal reasons, as an experienced and fully trained counsellor, I can offer a safe and confidential place to talk about and explore your inner thoughts, feelings and problems.

As an experienced therapist and counsellor, I can help you to learn more about yourself and to think about the possibility of change in your life.

Why not make an appointment for an initial conversation to find out more and see how counselling might work for you?

Psychotherapy can have many benefits including increased self-awareness, greater confidence, better relationships and a greater ability to manage stress.

About Therapy and Counselling. pinks

Some reasons why people come to therapy and counselling

  • anxiety
  • relationship difficulties
  • bullying and harassment
  • traumatic experiences
  • stress
  • bereavement
  • depression
  • low self-esteem
  • recurring problems and patterns in life
  • feeling lost and hopeless
  • sexuality and sexual identity
  • Loneliness
  • uncertainty and doubts about the future
  • crisis in life
  • parenthood and childbirth

    “It’s so difficult to describe depression to someone who’s never been there, because it’s not sadness. I know sadness. Sadness is to cry and to feel. But it’s that cold absence of felling — that really hollowed-out feeling. Depression is the most unpleasant thing I have ever experienced… Sad hurts, but it’s a healthy feeling. It is a necessary thing to feel. Depression is very different.”
    - JK Rowling

About Therapy and Counselling. Rose Hips

Thinking about therapy ...

You might be feeling depressed, stressed or unhappy, perhaps stuck or lost in life or in your relationships. Perhaps you are thinking about therapy because of a crisis or specific problem you need to resolve. Maybe you have had painful experiences, such as abuse, bullying or bereavement, relationship break up, which bring you to consider therapy.

Everyone is different and whatever your own personal reasons for seeking therapy, I offer a safe and confidential place to talk about and explore your thoughts and feelings.

About Therapy and Counselling. whiteflowercircle

Often there can be a link between past experiences and present difficulties. Therapy can help understand those links and how they might be affecting the way you feel now and your relationships.

Why not make contact now for an initial discussion to find out how counselling might help?

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